
Celosia Flamingo Feather Seeds

Sale price Price R 65.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

Planting Times: Start indoors before last frost and transplant after danger of frost.

Days to maturity: 60 -110 days

Site: full sun

Plant type: annual

Height: 90-120cm

Pinch: when 15-20cm tall

Plant spacing: 30-45cm

Seeds per packet:

Harvest and vase life: Flower heads get bigger over time, so pick when they are the size that you want, but before they go to seed. Strip 80% of the foliage off during harvest. Celosias are a long lasting cut flower oftentimes lasting over 2 weeks. Flowers can also be dried for later use. Hang freshly cut stems upside down in a warm dark place for 2-3 weeks or until they are firm to the touch.